Zionsville Lions Park

Celebrating a century; envisioning the next!

It starts at the heart!

Lions Park, the heart of Zionsville for nearly a century, is where countless journeys have started, from personal milestones to community-wide celebrations, connecting the lives of our residents, our organization, and our community.

This master plan will articulate a bold, long-range vision for Lions Park that will help ensure that the park continues to strengthen our community by enhances the health and well-being of all who visit it.    

A truly unique park…

Zionsville Lions Park stands as a unique gem among community parks, distinguished primarily by its private ownership and operation under the stewardship of the Zionsville Lions Club, a non-profit community organization.

Unlike most parks, Lions Park operates without public tax funding, relying solely on the dedication and effort of volunteer groups for its programming, maintenance, and activities

…in a truly special place!

Zionsville Lions Park has an exceptionally rich history. Since 1940, Lions Park has been a pivotal community hub in Zionsville, hosting beloved community events and serving as the home of the Zionsville Little League since 1963.

Its immediate proximity to the historic Zionsville Village further enhances its charm and accessibility, while its location along the Eagle Creek greenway connects visitors to a vital ecological corridor, home to an array of wildlife including Bald Eagles, Rainbow Trout, and Great Blue Herons.

We serve.

Lions International Mission Statement:

To empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.